Understanding OCD; Why It's So Debilitating!
I was teaching my students in one of my training schools this weekend about how OCD can show up and perhaps most importantly, how to help...
How to overcome IBS according to the National Institute for Health and Care Excellence (NICE)
Irritable bowel syndrome (IBS) is a common gastrointestinal disorder that affects millions of people worldwide. It can show up with a...
Five Ways To Manage Anxiety
Anxiety can be a debilitating condition that can affect every aspect of a person's life. It can be caused by a variety of factors, such...
Visualisation (Mental Rehearsal) - A to Z of Hypnotherapy
Visualisation can be incredibly powerful, you see the mind can’t tell the difference between what is real and what is imagined. This can...
5 Reasons That a Hug Boosts Your Mental Health
Today is National Hugging Day where we are encouraged to give our loved ones a big SQUEEEEZE in an effort to make both them and us feel...
Unwanted/Intrusive Thoughts - A to Z of Hypnotherapy
Unwanted or Intrusive thoughts are a form of OCD, and if you are living with it, it can be hellish as you can’t escape from your own...
Talk Therapy - A to Z of Hypnotherapy
There are lots of forms of talk therapy and it’s important that when looking for a therapist, you pick one that’s appropriately qualified...
Stress - A to Z of Hypnotherapy
Stress is not a bad thing…in moderation anyway! When we have a deadline or perhaps in sport, a bit of stress can give us an adrenaline...
1/3 Off Quit Smoking Hypnotherapy.
Today is the 1st of October and there is a national campaign called Stoptober to help people quit smoking if they wish to do so. In...
Relaxation - A to Z of Hypnotherapy
We should not underestimate the need for relaxation and downtime in our lives, it’s not something that “we can do just do when we are...