Talk Therapy - A to Z of Hypnotherapy
There are lots of forms of talk therapy and it’s important that when looking for a therapist, you pick one that’s appropriately qualified and insured. You may have seen a BBC report investigating therapists and it revealed that some people are calling themselves therapists without the appropriate experience or qualifications having only completed a short online course. Don’t be afraid to ask about the therapist's qualifications, if they have the appropriate training, they will have no qualms in telling you about it.
I pride myself on having the HPD, which is seen as the gold standard of hypnotherapy training in the UK.

There are lots of forms of therapy, in fact, there are over 400 forms of hypnotherapy and psychotherapy alone, and whilst they all have merits, it’s important that you choose an approach that is right for you. I use a solution-focused approach which is all about moving you towards how you want your life to be, without the need to delve into your past and the moment that caused you to feel the way that you do and I find most people like this approach.
We work together to help you to come up with a small, achievable goal that you can take that stretches your comfort zone at a pace that is right for you. Although I will help you come up with the goal by asking questions designed to get the best out of yourself, you will ultimately have ownership of your goal. This has been shown to far more beneficial than being told what to do as you have your own buy into it.
To find out more about how I work, or to book a free, no-obligation consultation, call 07557 157084, email or message me through the Facebook page.