Insomnia - A to Z of Hypnotherapy
Insomnia is officially defined as having difficulty getting to sleep or staying asleep for a period of 3 months or more, however if...
Blushing - The A to Z of Hypnotherapy
Today on the A to Z of hypnotherapy, I want to focus on blushing. Now, we all blush from time to time when we slip up and make a silly...
5 Tips To Nail Your New Year's Resolution
Make Your Goal Positive!
This might sound obvious, but you’d be surprised how many people come to me with a goal that focusses on what they
5 Positive Reasons To Quit Smoking
If you’ve been a smoker for any amount of time, you’ve probably heard all the negative health warnings a million times (Cancer, C.O.P.D,...
Why Your Diets Never Gave You Lasting Results.
If you ask yourself honestly, you probably know the difference between healthy and unhealthy foods that will either promote or hinder weight