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OCD - The A to Z of Hypnotherapy

OCD or Obsessive Compulsive Disorder to give it it’s full name, is actually more common that you might think, with it affecting 1 in 50 people in the UK. Now, here we should remember that OCD is a diagnosed mental health condition, not just someone that likes to be tidy and have things looking neat who considers themselves to be “a bit OCD”.

When you suffer from OCD, you will often believe that something terrible is going to happen if you don’t carry out a particular ritual, and it is so encompassing that you feel that completing that ritual is the most important thing in your world at that moment and you’ll drop everything else to be able to do it. In fact OCD can be so debilitating that the World Health Organisation has ranked it in the top 10 disabling illnesses, in terms of loss of earnings and diminished quality of life.

Perhaps it’s unsurprising then that three quarters of people with OCD, will also have depression.

OCD doesn’t only manifest it’s self as compulsions though, it can also present as anger, anxiety, panic attacks and phobic avoidance of situations related to obsessions (e.g dirt/contamination).

In this incredibly open and honest video, journalist Hattie Gladwell shares her story of what it's like to live with OCD.

If you would like to find out more about how Solution Focused Hypnotherapy could help you with your OCD, get in touch to book a free no-obligation initial consultation.

Call: 01323 381788

Text: 07557 157084

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