Motivation - The A to Z of Hypnotherapy
One of the things that my customers often want help with is their motivation, they know that they would like to do something like...

Kindness – A to Z of Hypnotherapy
Today’s A to Z is the letter K and although it isn’t technically about Hypnotherapy, it will give a welcome boost to your mental health....

Insomnia - A to Z of Hypnotherapy
Insomnia is officially defined as having difficulty getting to sleep or staying asleep for a period of 3 months or more, however if...

Grinding Teeth (Bruxism) - A to Z of Hypnotherapy
Grinding teeth, or Bruxism It’s to give it it’s medical term affects around 8 to 10% of the population. It is often a response to stress...

Depression - The A to Z of Hypnotherapy
Depression is the predominant mental health problem and the second leading cause of years lived with a disability worldwide. Symptoms...

Blushing - The A to Z of Hypnotherapy
Today on the A to Z of hypnotherapy, I want to focus on blushing. Now, we all blush from time to time when we slip up and make a silly...

5 Tips To Nail Your New Year's Resolution
Make Your Goal Positive!
This might sound obvious, but you’d be surprised how many people come to me with a goal that focusses on what they